Achieving the program dimension BDS is implementing the social and micro finance project and activities in the following areas and locations.

SL No.Name of the
Main DonorUpazilaDescription
01Max Value For WashMax Foundation, Netherland.Golachipa, RangabaliAccess of drinking water and sanitation facilities for improvement health, hygiene and reduce of child and mother mortality rate of the backward linkage people and communities.
02Election ProgramThe Asia FoundationAll Upazila of Barisal division.Election monitoring and prevalence of pre and post situation in regards to enhance the election practise according to the Bangladesh Election Commission.
03IRRI ProjectCSISA-Bangladesh, USAIDGournodi, Uzirpur, Babugang, Agoiljhara & Barisal.Improvement of the marginal farmers through productivity of agriculture by introduced high yield variety and modern technology.
04CIMMYT ProjectCSISA-Bangladesh, USAIDBanoripara, Uzirpur, Babugang & Jhalokhati.Increase livelihoods of the poor farmers through cultivation of maize, wheat using modern technology and develop marketing chain.
05World FishCSISA-Bangladesh, USAIDAgoiljhara, Bakergong & Jhalokhati.Opportunity for the poor households to growing economical supports through cultivation and use local resources by produced fish, vegetables and nutritional foods.
06Micro Credit ProgramPKSF, Bank, Group Savings & BDS.21 Upazila.Excess of micro credit support for the poor and target people’s for create income, employment and, production. In respect of growth and sustainability of the related group members.